Competitors will start by swimming from an island to another, will cycle then and try to reach finish line by orienteering. Competitors will have to pass from some specified Check Points (CP). At some of these CP’s they may prefer to compete at some special stages that would allow them gain extra points, such as abseiling, rock climbing and some small games. Some of these stages are named after celebrities who lived at Prince’s Islands, like Lefter, Reşat Nuri Güntekin, Nurullah Ataç.
- Racecourse is specified with Check Points (CP). Calling at CP’s is compulsory.
- A file showing the details of the racecourse and CP’s will be given to competitors before race starts.
- Organization committee has the right to make revisions in the racecourse if necessary or cancelling it. Cancellation or revision decisions will be announced to competitors.

Prince’s Islands Adventure Race consists of three stages:
Swimming: Swimming on an approximately 900 m. track between two islands.
Cycling: After completing swimming track and landing on the island will pick up their shoes and materials that are ready for them and access to their bicycles that are ready for them at some distance. In 2015 races cycling track was about 13 -15 km long and at least 60% of it was run on earth road. At cycling stage competitors will call at CP’s and if they prefer, they may complete extra stages.
Orienteering: Competitors will deliver their bicycles at a prepared post and they will pick up their orienteering materials (map, compass) and start the final stage. They will find orienteering flags that were places earlier and take the marks on them. They may also participate in special contests at this stage. Some part of orienteering stage, especially the final part will be at the settlement section of the island so that island habitants and tourists can have a chance to see the final of the race and share the race atmosphere. This stage was about 8-12 km. long in 2015. In 2015, start of the race was at 09:00 a.m. and finish about 03:00 p.m.
Calculation of points will be made according to targets stipulated earlier, bonus points and time calculation will be made by computers.